Our service uses a whole system approach to ensure that foster carers and adoptive parents are supported to build positive attachment relationships, recognize the impact of trauma on young people, develop resilience in themselves and aid the young people they care for.
Using the experience and learning gained from working therapeutically with carers, adopters and young people over the last 20 years, we aim to support looked after and adopted young people to develop psychologically, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually whilst maintaining mutually satisfying relationships with their care givers and peers.
We have created a varied and flexible service that offers a wide range of support to the young person as well as their carers and professional networks – all young people offered a service will benefit from an assessment of need to ensure we provide the most appropriate and suitable support to them and their caring network.
Where a need is identified to stabilise the placement we can provide various support options such as direction to implement therapeutic parenting, joint carer and young person therapy, telephone support and professional training sessions. Carers can access reflective group support focussed on helping them to use peer insight and professional guidance to support the emotional health and wellbeing of the people in their care.
Where individual or joint therapeutic work between the young person and their carers or adoptive parents is required we can provide a range of different therapies that the Emotional Health and Wellbeing team will deliver as appropriate to the young person and their circumstances. This is a range of therapeutic based approaches which can include creative arts therapies, play therapy, systemic family therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy, brief solution focused therapy or dyadic developmental psychotherapy.