Below are lists of popular keyboard shortcuts.
Mac key convention: ‘ Ctrl ‘ is used for ‘Control’, ‘ Apple ‘ is used for ‘Command’ and ‘ Alt ‘ is used for the ‘Option’ key.
Mac OS 8 and 9
- ‘ Apple ‘ + ‘ letter ‘ – Activates menu items where the letter and Apple key is shown next to the item in a menu for example in Word a new document would be ‘Apple’ + ‘N’.
- ‘ Apple ‘ + ‘ Z ‘ – Undo the last action.
- ‘ Apple ‘ + ‘ Tab ‘ – Quickly switch between current running programs.
- ‘ Tab’ – Select the next icon or file alphabetically on the desktop or in a folder .
- ‘ Apple ‘ + ‘ O ‘ – Open a highlighted folder, document or application icon
- ‘ Apple ‘ + ‘ W ‘ – Closes current window .
- ‘ Apple ‘ + ‘ C ‘ – Copies selected textgraphics to the clipboard.
- ‘ Apple ‘ + ‘ V ‘ – Pastes textgraphics from the clipboard.
- ‘ Apple ‘ + ‘ X ‘ – -Cuts selected textgraphics to the clipboard.
- ‘ Ctrl ‘ + ‘ Mouse click – Right button mouse click.
Mac OS X
- ‘ Apple ‘ + ‘ letter ‘ – Activates menu items where the letter and Apple key is shown next to the item in a menu for example in Word a new document would be ‘Apple’ + ‘N’.
- ‘ Apple ‘ + ‘ Z ‘ – Undo the last action.
- ‘ Apple ‘ + ‘ Tab ‘ – Quickly switch between current running programs.
- ‘ Tab’ – Select the next icon or file alphabetically on the desktop or in a folder .
- ‘ Apple ‘ + ‘ O ‘ – Open a highlighted folder, document or application icon
- ‘ Apple ‘ + ‘ W ‘ – Closes current window .
- ‘ Apple ‘ + ‘ C ‘ – Copies selected textgraphics to the clipboard.
- ‘ Apple ‘ + ‘ V ‘ – Pastes textgraphics from the clipboard.
- ‘ Apple ‘ + ‘ X ‘ – -Cuts selected textgraphics to the clipboard.
- ‘ Ctrl ‘ + ‘ Mouse click – Right button mouse click.
- ‘ Ctrl ‘ + ‘ F1 ‘ Turn on full keyboard access
You can also find help with your keyboard on these other operating systems:
For Windows, For Linux.
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