Core Assets Children’s Services Staff Attend Transgender Awareness & Understanding Training Day

17th January 2017

This week, staff and managers from across the Core Assets Group came together for a one-day training event organised by the national charity Mermaids, which aims to increase understanding and raise awareness of the transgendered community. The aims of the training were:

Tracey Mutch speaks about her experience of the event below:

“I work as a Manager in the Midlands region on the CDC Independent Support Programme and was recently asked if I would be interested in completing the Mermaids training. Quite honestly I didn’t know what to expect however I am really glad I attended as I learnt so much and would recommend this training to others whether they be Foster Carers or our own work force.

The trainer was very open about being Transgender and when talking about his story was jovial about his experiences however it became apparent throughout the training that this subject is not to be taken lightly and many children, young people and adults alike are affected by being trapped in their own bodies.

We learnt what little treatment has been available in the past and what treatments are available now which include therapies and medical interventions. What was astonishing though was the limited availability of treatment and how long waiting lists were to receive even a consultation let alone treatment of any kind.

It was also disheartening to hear about bullying experiences of others, listening to Transgender experiences of people in other countries, which unlike our own are not as accepting or kind when they think someone does not conform to their idolisation of “norm.”

The most disturbing experiences we learnt about were about the experiences of young people that felt trapped in their own bodies and felt there was no way out for them. Mermaids advised us that they assist many young people to gain the right treatment at the right time. We learnt more about the Mermaid organisation and how they supported young people and parents and heard stories of individual experiences.

It was a most valuable day and extremely informative.”

For more information about Mermaids and the work they do, please visit their website here.




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